"just edit it..."


The development team of the Page Manager consists few web designer hobbyists. The PageManager is used in several sites that we maintain and new features, bugfixes and ideas typically emerge from practical requirements for these sites.

At this time there is no official roadmap for this development tool. We just collect new features and known issues here and handle them one by one.

If you happen to find a bug, have an idea for a new feature or perhaps want to contribute something, drop me a private message or post a message to Page Manager forum.


Known issues

2006-01-30 TinyMCE problems with Internet Explorer

2006-01-29 Problems with template management

2006-01-29 Reindexing shortcut does not work if multiple templates are present.

2005-02-13 [CLOSED] The popups do not resize correctly

Feature requests

2006-01-29 "Add another" button to toolbar

2006-01-12 Keyboard support

2005-02-13 [CLOSED] Support for FCKeditor widget

16.1.2005 [CLOSED] Better editor interface for lists