Section Declarations

Section declarations have the following syntax:

			id="[section id]" 
			params="[section paramters]">
				[editable content goes here]
The closing tag should have the same type as openign tag.

Section Ids

Section ids must be unique within the page. Across the site same ids can be used. Note that if section parameter common is set to true saving the section will also update all sections with the same id on other pages too.

Section Paramters

Each section can have parameters that modify the behaviour of the section content, the editor interface or the way the section is applied to the page. In general the parameters depend on the section type.

The only generic paramter is common that can have value true or false (default). Is a section has this parameter set, all pages with a section with the same id contain the same content. Furthermore, if this kind of section is edited on any page any sections with the same id are applied with the new content.

Typically this paramter is used in common page headers, navigational menus (common to all pages), footers, etc.

Description of Different Section Types

Each section type is summarized in this chapter.

Plain HTML

Plain HTML can contain any HTML. Be careful with this section type as it allows your users to add ANY HTML and therfore accidentally (or in purpose) to break the page layout.

<site:html id="html-id">This is pure HTML</site:html>

This is pure HTML test <>&"'

Escaped string

Plain string can be used to allow single line string. Use for example in titles and preformatted tables. See also site:text as it is effectively the same.

<site:string id="string-id">This is a string</site:string>

This is a string

Escaped text

Plain text can be used to allow editable text. Use for example in titles and preformatted tables. See also site:string as it is effectively the same.

<site:text id="text-id">This is some text</site:text>

This is some text

Formatted (rich)text

Formatted text can be used to allow editable text with basic formatting capability. Use this for main content of pages and paragraphs. Users are given a "WYSIWYG" editor that can be used to edit the content.

<site:richtext id="richtext-id">This is some richtext</site:richtext>

This may contain anything, but it is edited using WYSIWYG editor.


List represents ordered list of items. Each item is inside a <div class="item"> tag. Each item is edited using the the same richtext editor as site:richtext. CSS classes can be used to change the appearence of lists:

<site:list id="list-id"><div class="item index1 first-item"> ITEM 1</div><div class="item index2">ITEM 2</div><div class="item index3 last-item">ITEM 3</div></site:list>