Basics of Page Manager


Main View


  1. Filelist-view Lists all files in website. Files can be filtered using buttons below.
  2. File information and controls
  3. Work are Content of this wiev depends on the selected file and  function
  4. Template, gallery, upload and backup links Templates galleries and file upload can be accessed here.
  5. Log-view All operations write some extra information to log, which can be seen here.

Website Structure

From the technical point-of-view a website is a single directory of html and other files, which can be accessed by the Page Manager script.


All files (html,images, templates, ...) reside within parent directory and all scripts needed by the Page Manager reside under the "pagemanager"-directory.

The pagemanager directory is typically password protected as the parent directory is publicly accessible.

Editable Sections

Whole pages are typically not edited. Webpages consists of static contect (layout etc.) and editable sections which can be modified by the author. Each section has unique name within the page.

There is several types of editable sections

  1. Single-line strings
  2. Multiline text
  3. Richtext (HTML formatting)
  4. Raw HTML
  5. Javascript
  6. Link
  7. Image
  8. Lists of any of above
Additionally, all types can be "common" sections. This means that all pages within the website that have the same id are updated syncronically. Typically used in page headers and footers that are common to all pages.

Template Based Files

To help authors to maintain news, blogs, etc the Page Manager provides so-called page templates.

Templates are actually normal HTML pages, that are copied when new entry is added. Additionally they include some meta-information to automatically maintain indexes.